Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me. —Psalm 23:4 AMPC

My dear reader, today you can experience God’s presence in your life. Say to yourself, “The Lord is with me and I have His favor, blessings, and protection.” Sense His shadow covering you. His shadow is a picture of nearness. You are not trying to get into the secret place; you are already there in Christ. In Christ, you can’t get any closer to God. In the Old Testament, God showed Moses, the great patriarch, only His back parts (see Ex. 33:22–23). That’s the old covenant—because of man’s failure, God was always departing and the children of Israel only saw His back.

The picture of the new covenant is God sending His only Son, Jesus Christ. It is the picture of the father running toward the prodigal son in spite of his failures. Under the new covenant, we are seated with our heavenly Father in Christ and we see the smile on His face! That is how close you are to God today. So even if your feelings tell you that God is a million miles away, learn to trust His Word over your feelings. All you need to do is to utter the words “Father” or “Abba,” and immediately you will sense that He is closer than your own breath.

In the same way, even when you don’t seem to feel His presence, you can trust in Him. Trust doesn’t mean that there will be no butterflies in your stomach. Trust means that even though you have the butterflies, you still act on God’s Word. Whatever it is you are afraid of doing, do it afraid while keeping your trust in the Lord. There are people who are afraid to leave their house, fly on a plane, pursue a new career, start a new friendship, volunteer in a ministry, visit a care group in church, or even show up for work.

Beloved, don’t let fear rule your life. If you’re thinking of embarking on something, most certainly, be led by the Spirit, seek wise counsel, count the cost, and make responsible decisions in your situation. Just don’t allow the butterflies in your stomach to dictate your life. When you say to the Lord, “In You I trust,” it doesn’t mean you instantly stop feeling any fear. Trust means choosing to act on God’s Word in spite of the fear.

Today’s Prayer

Daddy God, thank You that I can come to You and cry out, “Abba,” and immediately sense Your presence and love for me. Thank You that even when I don’t seem to feel Your presence, I can trust in You, and draw on Your peace and Your strength. I believe that You are always with me and I can choose to act on Your Word in the face of every fear. Amen.

Today’s Thought

The Lord Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So I can boldly say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear” (Heb. 13:5–6).

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Prince, Joseph. The Prayer of Protection Devotional: Daily Strategies for Living Fearlessly In Dangerous Times
