Psalm 139:15-16

My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (NIV Bible)

Recently I was deeply moved by the words of a little girl who emailed me to share how the message of Father's love had encouraged her. She told me how she had grown up in a home where her earthly father had told her that she was not wanted and her life was a mistake. The only thing I could do was to stare at the computer screen and weep. I wept for this little girl, and it seemed for a moment as if I was weeping for every child who had ever felt unwanted. I was so glad that the Father had encouraged her that she wasn't an accident, but was set apart to be His child. This revelation of Father's love seemed to reach down deep into this little girl's heart and provide her with a sense of belonging that she was looking for.

Many of us are no different than this little girl, for deep down inside each one of us we carry a basic need to be wanted and to have a sense of purpose in life. When we suffer rejection from those who were meant to love us, this very foundation is shaken. Emotional abandonment can steal what is rightfully ours our destiny and sense of purpose. I believe it is Father's desire to let us know that our lives were not a mistake. In Psalm 139:15-16, it says our frame was not hidden from God in the secret place for He saw our unformed body. He cared enough for each one of us, that He took the time to write down each one of our days in His book.

Your yesterday was written in God's book. Your today and tomorrow is also penned by the loving hand of your Heavenly Father. You are not just a number in His eyes, but one that is incredibly unique with a special purpose. You were not an accident, for someone is watching over you who loves you more than you could ever know.


Father, I thank You that Your eyes saw my unformed body when You made me in the secret place. Thank You that I have a special purpose in life and that all my days are written in Your book. Help me to always remember that it was You who planned my creation and not my parents. You wanted me to come into this world, and you have planned each day that I live. In the name of Your beloved Son, Jesus, I pray. AMEN.

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Father's Love Letter used by permission Father Heart Communications © 1999

