Psalm 139:2

You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. (NIV Bible)

Father God is intimately aware of all that you do. He knows when you sit down and when you rise up. He even knows what you are thinking. Your Heavenly Father is intimately involved in every area of your life no matter how insignificant you think it is. He is with you when you go to work. He is there when you play, and He watches over you when you sleep. He will never leave you or forsake you, for He has promised to stay close. Have you ever wondered why the God of the universe would take the time to be interested in such detail? It is simply because He loves you! And because He loves you, no task that you set out to do is too mundane for Father to take notice of.

God may be seated on His throne in heaven, majestically overseeing the entire universe, but He still is watching over you. Just as a father sitting in an easy chair, enjoys watching His children playing at his feet, Father always maintains a watchful eye over us. He is not pre-occupied managing His creation, for His omnipresence allows him to be everywhere all at once. So take great comfort in knowing that He is always with you. He knows when you sit down and when you rise up and He knows your every thought even before you think it.


Father, You know everything about me. You watch over me 24 hours a day. I thank You that Your extravagant love reaches out to me even in the very mundane aspects of my daily routine. I pray that as I go about my business today, I will be reminded of the truth that in Your eyes, I am still just a little child, playing at Your feet while You oversee the affairs of the universe. In the name of your beloved Son, Jesus, I pray. Amen.

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Father's Love Letter used by permission Father Heart Communications © 1999

