Then he said, “O Lord God of my master Abraham, please give me success this day, and show kindness to my master Abraham.” —Genesis 24:12

BELOVED, I WANT to show you how you can pray for and experience God’s divine positioning for good success today. There is a principle in interpreting God’s Word known as “the principle of first mention.” Every time a word is mentioned for the first time in the Bible, there is usually a special significance and lesson that we can learn. Let’s take a look at the first occurrence of the word qarah. It is found in Genesis 24, when Abraham sent his unnamed servant to look for a bride for Isaac, his son.

We need the Lord to give us qarah every day.

The unnamed servant arrived at a well outside the city of Nahor in the evening and decided to stop there. There were so many young women gathered to draw water there that he did not know who would be the right woman for Isaac. So the unnamed servant prayed this prayer: “O Lord God of my master Abraham, please give me success this day, and show kindness to my master Abraham.” The word “success” here is the Hebrew word qarah, and this is the first time it appears in the Bible. The servant essentially prayed, “Give me qarah this day.” It goes without saying that with the Lord’s qarah or positioning for right happenings, the servant found a beautiful virtuous woman named Rebekah, who became Isaac’s bride.

We need the Lord to give us qarah every day. I encourage you to pray the prayer of that unnamed servant. Tell the Lord, “Give me success—qarah—this day,” and depend on His unmerited favor to cause you to be at the right place at the right time!

Today’s Prayer

Father, show me kindness and give me qarah—success— today. In whatever assignments, appointments or errands I have to attend to today, I ask that You direct my steps and place me at the right place at the right time, so that I can accomplish all that I need to do with ease and experience Your good success.

Today’s Thought

Success in my endeavors depends on the Lord who positions me at the right place at the right time.

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Prince, Joseph. 100 Days Of Favor, Daily Readings From Unmerited Favor.
