Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. —Romans 5:1–2

GOD’S WORD TELLS us that “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52). This is a good verse to pray and speak over your children—that they first increase in favor with God, and then in favor with man. Your “vertical relationship” with God should always be given priority over your “horizontal relationship” with the people around you.

Because of Jesus’ perfect work on the cross, you are righteous by His blood, and you are greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved!

Like Jesus, you can increase in wisdom and in God’s unmerited favor. How? You have probably noticed that some believers seem to experience a lot more unmerited favor than others. I believe that this is because these believers understand the key to accessing God’s favor. Romans 5:2 clearly spells out that “we have access by faith into this grace [unmerited favor] in which we stand.” To gain access to your computer or your bank account, you need a password. To gain access to and increase in God’s unmerited favor, the “password” or key that we need to have is faith, faith to believe that YOU, ______________ (insert your name), are highly favored!

One of the things that I have taught my church members to do is to declare over themselves that they are greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved. “How do we know that we are greatly blessed, Pastor Prince?” Read Hebrews 6:13–14 for yourself. God wanted us to be so anchored in the sure and steadfast knowledge that He will bless us, the seed of Abraham, that He swore by Himself, saying, “Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.” “How can we say that we are highly favored?” Ephesians 1:6 tells us that by God’s grace (unmerited favor), God “made us accepted in the Beloved.” In the original Greek text, the word “accepted” is the word charitoo, which means “highly favored.”1 “And are we really deeply loved by God?” God didn’t just love us. John 3:16 says that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” He demonstrated how He SO loved us when He sent Jesus to die on the cross for us.

I pray that the verses that I have shown you here will help you believe that through Jesus, you are indeed greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved. If these truths are still not established in your heart, start speaking them. Look at yourself in the mirror every morning and declare boldly, “Because of Jesus’ perfect work on the cross, I am righteous by His blood, and I am greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved! I expect good things to come my way. I expect good success and I have a confident expectation of good!” Once you receive Christ, you are standing on favor ground. You are no longer on condemnation ground. God looks on you as His favourite child! “But Pastor Prince, how can God have so many favorites?” Hey, He is God. Don’t try to limit an infinite God with your finite mind. The Bible tells us that God counts the very hairs on each of our heads (Matthew 10:30). (I love my daughter very much, but I have never counted the number of strands of hair on her head.) His love for each of us is intimate and deeply personal. In His eyes, we are all His favorites!

Today’s Prayer

Father, establish me in the truth that I am greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved. Because of Your unmerited favor and Jesus’ perfect work on the cross, I am righteous by His blood. I believe and declare that I am greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved! Today, I expect good things to come my way. I expect good success! Hallelujah! Thank You, Father, for Your unmerited favor!

Today’s Thought

I am God’s favourite!

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Prince, Joseph. 100 Days Of Favor, Daily Readings From Unmerited Favor.

