I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears
Psalm 34:4

When we set our eyes towards the Lord we can have confidence that he’s ready and waiting. So often we can make things more complicated by trusting in what we have done, how right our attitude and behaviour has been and then we feel ‘good enough’ to approach the Lord.

David wrote this psalm after one of the most humiliating and lowest points of his life. Fear for his life had lead him to act like a madman in front of Abimelech the King of the Philistines, and now he was hiding in a cave.

In his moment of defeat and failure he knows where to turn. He doesn’t look to try and assert himself and pull himself up by his boot straps and give himself a pep talk. No, he turns to the one who is strength, who is victory, who has no fear. The Lord then takes him to a cave called Adullum. We might think that was because he was being hidden due to his sin & failure. But in fact Adullum means Refuge. The Lord led him, and leads us today, to a safe place even when we sin. He gives us refuge and in that place we can be transformed.

We are not going to find the answers in our might. When we understand our frailties, our inconsistencies, but know that doesn’t change how loved we are we are free to be honest with the Lord. He listens to our voice and he hears us but more than that he delights in delivering us and walking us into freedom and victory!
