“For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” 2 Corinthians 2:15

An aroma is something that is emitted, and whether you know it or not, see it or not or hear it or not, you know it's there, and it impacts you. Too often we try to be the flower, the part that's seen, heard or thought of.

When we are trying to be the flower it’s about the outward appearance, about how we, or our actions look. This is counter to who Jesus was, and therefore counter to who he has called us to be. God is the flower, the spectacle to be seen, the reason for the aroma, the epicentre of the whole experience!

We, the aroma, are the way people experience the flower, the reason people know a flower is nearby, the trail that leads people into an experience with the epicentre of our lives!

Take the weight of your shoulders today, you don't have to be the flower, the pressure isn't on you to be the show, just be that tiny light in someone’s life that leads them into the full experience of the epicentre of life!
