Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:13
Grace meant I was truly accepted.
I really struggled with the concept of coming to God “just” as I was. I had been part of a church that told people they could come just as they were and would be accepted by God the father. Although this was truth and even though I accepted this at a very young age, as I grew older I found myself being pushed further and further away from it.
Could the sin I committed be holding me back from the love of the father? Were my sins being counted and held in a jar, ready to be counted back out at the end of my life? I didn’t live a Christian life that contained much joy or much security. In fact, although I believed I had given my heart to God and was adopted by him. I was pretty miserable.
In the end grace showed me that I was enough. I have a father who loves me, who treats me as the apple of his eye. Nothing makes me happier than knowing Daddy God loves me for who I am. Yes, there will be times that I’ll make a mistake, but thanks to the finished work of the cross, I know that I am made whole. This is the acceptance given to me through God’s unmerited grace and favour and for that I’m incredibly awestruck.