“After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: ‘Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.’” Genesis 15:1

Fear can be crippling – it can cause us to limit our choices and opportunities – because the voice in our head whispers, “what if things don’t work out?” Our worlds can shrink and our understanding of God with it, because we don’t want to risk disappointment. We shape our theology on experience and not Scripture.

This word came to Abram after God had promised him and Sarai, his wife, offspring that would be like ‘the dust of the earth’, but at that moment they were an elderly couple with no children! Abram was able to trust God for a while but then Sarai decided to take matters into her own hands. To cut a long story short her decisions created a whole lot of trouble down the road!

It’s tempting to tinker when things seem to be taking too long, or aren’t working out in the way we perceive they should. We set in place a course of action that we know in our hearts is not what we should be doing but we just can’t wait any longer.

If that’s you this morning let me encourage you to be patient and trust God – don’t be afraid. He IS in control and when He wants you to take a leap of faith, don’t be afraid – JUMP!
