"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)

A common theme in my thoughts and prayers lately has been how God uses all things for good. This was affirmed today as I presented to GPs on the rare skin condition that our son has been diagnosed with. It's been a fear filled journey that we are only out the back of. And a lot was caused by misinformation from medics.

Here I am two years down the line reclaiming ground, correcting the facts. And yet I would have had no idea how this opportunity could have come about.

I am in a season of thanksgiving. God has been so good, and I am so thankful. So many doors have been opened in terms of fundraising and awareness raising for this condition, and all of it has been easy. I hope to equip others with the right information to avoid unnecessary fear and worry. I feel God has positioned me in this situation to reach out to others, redeeming...turning all things to good.


