“For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8: 38-39
Dad’s funeral was a pretty difficult day, many people were grieving the loss of a man who led his engineering department and more within a huge company management structure. He was their guide and inspiration on a daily basis, a steady hand that could ensure the ship stayed the course. It seemed as though for anyone over the age of 35 he had been the equivalent of a daring hero, and for once I don’t actually think I’m making that up.
But at the core, the loss their grieved was that they would be separated from my dad and the various elements of his personality he brought to them. He was a supporter, a mentor, a guide, an analyst and a truth talker. In the good times and bad times he was always there for them.
But in reality, because of my father’s faith, there is no separation from God. Nothing is able to separate us from the love that God the Father has for us and Paul lists all of the various ways in which this is the case.
Death is merely a pause, the shell of a person, their body or skainos, is a reminder that although we don’t see that person in a living capacity, we know they have gone on to a greater glory. Their empty tent points the way to show that they are now in the presence of Jesus.
For Dad there was no pause, he’s forever in communion with the love of God. Nothing changed as he slipped from one form of being to another. Like moving from one room to another or simply taking off a coat, his experience was constant. He still remains fully within the love of God and nothing, not even death has separated him from experiencing that fully and completely.
So if you are doubting today, remember you are loved more than you could ever know, and nothing, not even death can separate you from the torrent of compassion and desire that God has for you.