"Beholding the glory of the Lord" 2 Corinthians 3:18
This verse makes it clear that we are transformed when we behold the glory of the Lord. Just as Moses went into the tent of meeting and came out with his face shining (Exodus 33:7-11), we are to go into our own tent of meeting and come out having met with God with unveiled face.
The Holy Spirit longs to lead us into direct, tangible, and transforming encounters with the glory of God Christian spirituality is all about direct connection with our heavenly Father not just engaging in religious practices because we feel we need to. Christ’s death has enabled unveiled encounters with God whenever and wherever.
God's intention was always for us to represent him well. When sin entered humanity that image became grossly distorted. But through the Jesus’ death and our encounter with Him, that image is being restored. We can now be reflections of God to a world desperately searching for relationship with its Creator.
Living an unveiled lifestyle is simply encountering our heavenly Father and living our lives as a response to his love for us. Every encounter with God changes us and makes us more like him. Every taste of his presence fills us with his love and equips us to love others. To live an unveiled lifestyle is to experience the abundant life Jesus came to bring. May you behold the glory of your heavenly Father and be a reflection of his love to a lost and dying world today.