“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” Eph 1:18-19a

God has a plan for your life. You have been called to a hope that is sure and certain. Sometimes it may not seem so clear and for some you can’t see it at all.

Paul here prays that the believers in Ephesus would have their eyes flooded with the light of the truth of who they are in Christ and the hope that this brings.

God has chosen you, He lavishes His grace upon you and He has prepared a glorious inheritance for you. His incomparable power is at work in you and He lives in us. Sometimes this world can fog our vision; life gets in the way and the eyes of our heart become darkened.

There is hope, not because you want to be an optimist, or you will it to be so, but because the perfect unchanging all powerful God has placed His love upon you and you can be confident that He has a plan for your life.

Pray today that God would flood the eyes of your heart with light – that your vision would be unhindered to see the hope to which He has called you. You are His child!
