“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows” Psalm 23:5
The rhythm of the Psalm moves back again from a place of danger to one of God’s blessing and provision. The green pastures and still waters, a picture of rest are now replaced with one of feasting and celebration. The valley of the shadow of death is now behind and we see a scene of joy and abundance.
The original Hebrew here portrays the image of God spreading out a large mat on the ground - God the Shepherd is literally putting on an amazing spread for you! Just think about that for a minute.
Right there in the middle of all your enemies, all those things that seek to destroy you, those things that cause you harm, they are barred from touching you while you enjoy the blessing of God.
This is not a scene of gloating in your enemies’ face but rather one that recognizes blessing and honour is given by God and is entirely dependent upon Him. Our security, our prosperity and our joy all find its source in the great Shepherd who has blessed us beyond all thatwe can ever imagine or think.
God the Shepherd does this because He loves His sheep, He protects His sheep from their enemies, He provides for His sheep.
Jesus referred to Himself as the Good Shepherd who gives His life for His sheep so that we might have life and have it overflowing (John 10:10-11). God pours the oil of gladness on us, we are anointed as kings and priests and our cup overflows with the super-abundance of God’s grace in our lives.
Sit at this banqueting table, feast on His grace, and celebrate the victory that God has won. No one and nothing can ever snatch you out of God’s hand (John 210:29).