God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?
Numbers 23:19
What a brilliant thought to start today and the weekend! We know as people how often we change our minds about nearly everything - People, relationships, what we are involved in. If we stay committed & involved our feelings still go up & down. That is what people are like. In a manner of speaking inconsistency is the norm.
Praise God that Jesus is so different. He is not like us. Whatever your experience of yourself or others God is so totally different. When He said that you were a brand new creation he meant it. When He said that he would never count your sin against you he meant it. When He said that His love for you would never be altered, changed or weakened by anything that you may do - He meant that too.
Every single promise of God is better than rock solid. He will fulfil every word over your life. He will not change His mind about you. He loves you passionately and today will without ceasing work for your good.
He said it so He will do it. Thank God for Jesus!