The just shall live by faith…

Romans 1:17

You have all the faith you need (Part1)


My wife & I struggled with a medical issue for a number of years that was extremely painful and at times felt like it was too much for us to carry. Most well meaning believers at the time would pat us on the back and try to encourage us with nice words but most were careful not to get our hopes up that anything would change. We felt like we had to resign ourselves to whatever came our way.

When we feel weak and afraid the last thing we need is to think that somehow our situation will never change because we do not have enough faith. What a way to condemn people.

We saw in the Word that the faith that you need for today is already in you. Saving faith, faith to be healed, prospered & made whole is a gift that God has given you. It does not come from you - it comes from Him. You have the faith of Jesus in you now. Your role is to simply believe that all things are possible because HE says so. I need to learn not to listen to the fear that has built up over years - I now choose to act according to the faith that God has put in me.

Tomorrow We will look at what that means - Today though thank God that you have faith - it’s His gift to you!
