You can do all things through God

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

With God as your Father and the new life He has created in you, He now provides you with the power and ability to do all manner of things for Him. This is true regardless of the circumstances or struggles you may be facing in life, some of which will be plain to see, others may be hidden from view. 

Has God perhaps placed something in your heart that you are really passionate about and you would love to see come about?

Today, choose to stop focusing on your difficulties or limitations or on the negative critical voices that surround you, but make the decision going forward to focus instead on God and what He says about you and on what He has promised. This is part of renewing your mind and transforming your thinking to reflect your new status as a believer. Remember, God is for you!

Go for it!
