Those who are planted in the house of the Lord Shall flourish in the courts of our God
Psalm 92:13
A heart for the House
My son plays in an Under 11 football team. This season was his first and it started really badly. Defeat after defeat (by huge scores) brought him to the point where one day he came home and said that he was finished - He had had enough and was never going back. There was genuine sense of hopelessness around him.
We chatted about it and to be honest made him stick in with the training & the team. Things are changing slowly and what impacted me was last Saturday watching him run around on an early Saturday morning laughing, playing and actually having fun. Despite his frustrations he knows that he actually wants to be there and he loves being part of a team.
The same thing applies to the church. God has not saved you to leave you alone. You were made for family and despite how frustrating that can be the truth is that we will flourish when we are in a context of committed relationships with our brothers & sisters. I want to flourish in every area of my life and I am convinced that with people of the same heart & mind I will have a much better opportunity for that to happen. God does not intend for us to live isolated.
Thank God today for your church family. Pray for the leaders. Roll up your sleeves and serve. Get a bigger vision and thank God that it is in HIs family that you will flourish.