"You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God." Psalm 119:1 MSG
When I was 17 I did the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. It’s a programme designed to develop leadership skills in young people through serving their community and physical challenges. I had to complete a three day expedition, in unknown terrain, with a group of friends, using only our maps and a compass to navigate. The first day went well and on Day 2 we set off optimistically for a rendezvous point 20 miles away. We soon were hopelessly lost on the Antrim Plateau – flat and featureless. We had relied on our eyes and not the maps we had been given – ignoring our training. We didn’t take proper bearings and in the days before mobile phones, had to wait until our instructors realised we were late for our scheduled meeting. Needless to say I never did get that Gold Award!
Our Father God doesn’t leave us struggling to find our way. He has given us the Bible and the Holy Spirit to help us understand and apply its truth in our lives. He uses others to speak encouragement and revelation into our lives and when we pray, He listens. All we need to do is to check in with Him all the time – using the tools He has given us and steadily following the path He has for us – one of blessing, hope, peace and joy!