Our current series 'Impact Now' has led me to reflect upon Adam and I's journey to date.

Four years ago I met Jesus, I knew instantly that I wanted to give my life to Him, He was going to be my drive and my purpose. Up until then I had sought fulfilment in lots of different things, most of these things weren't good for me 

I had pursued career, I was about to embark upon my second degree, this time in 'Social Work,' I had thought that this career path would give me drive and purpose. But meeting Jesus changed this. I gained a wider perspective, a different perspective- only Jesus was going to change the people around me. Only an encounter like the one I had had would fulfil! I had been given a new career, a new calling!

A year later, Adam, who was my fiancé at the time, met Jesus. After a long year of prayer and patience. When I look back now, we were such different people before- God has truly transformed us into the man and woman we are today, the husband and wife, the Daddy and the Mummy. Life has never been more full. 

We now live to see others transformed and to lead and support those around us. Having encountered God, there was now no doubt for us that He was who we were going to live for.

We started serving in different ministries within Exchange, initially we served where there was a need, and over time we found our God-given place. From the beginning we sacrificed our time, our money and our energy...confusing the people around us who aren't Christian. Giving became a priority and our outlook became a lot less selfish. 

Serving has been so rewarding, and over time our longing to serve has grown...however it is true that the choice to serve others is a sacrifice! I related to Andrew when he said that the days in which we don't feel like doing it are the days that we have to push ourselves the most, time and time again God has really blessed us for making the choice to serve rather than to be served. 

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. (Proverbs 11:25 NIV)

The body of Christ needs you, God works through people to reach others and we each have an important part to play in the destinies of our friends, family and our city. By giving our time and resources we can truly impact the lives of people who are currently strangers to us, and strangers to God. 

Adam and I were strangers to Exchange and to God, our leaders followed Gods word over their lives and because of their steps of faith, we have been led to a new life in Christ and we will never be the same. 

Listen to where God is calling you to serve, there are lives which depend on you making a choice to co labour with God and have an impact! There is no greater cause than His Kingdom. We stand healed, restored and renewed, as testimony to this!

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