We grow up on stories like Samson - a strong man who did some amazing things. Is there more to the story and what does it tell us about grace? He was a man who had little self control and sinned continually yet God raised him for a purpose. In this series we look at how grace breaks sin & defeat in areas such as lust & porn, learn to recognise when we are about to give ourselves to things that will destroy us and learn how grace breaks these chains and brings us into freedom

31.07.16  - Part 1 - God doesn't need your strength

How do you really live each day? We know we should trust in God but we all have an undercurrent of relying on ourselves. We grow up on stories like Samson - a strong man who did some amazing things. Is there more to the story and what does it tell us about grace? Learn today what the nature of your real battle is because it is not circumstances or people. Learn how God used a flawed man who had little self control and learn that ultimately His grace is what you need today


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7.08.16 -PART 2 - How to overcome Lust

Most of the time the issue is not the issue. What we mean is that we often look at the wrong thing and wonder why we do not see change in our lives. Trying to change behaviour without getting to the root of the issue will always result in defeat. Grace transforms us from the inside out bringing real freedom. This week Andrew looks at lust - Samson could not beat it - Where does it come from though? Why do we search for approval and meaning in things that will destroy us? Lust is the fruit of rejection and when we begin to see this revelation grace can flow and set us free!


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14.08.16 PART 3 - The only way to freedom is by grace

Why do we give ourselves to things that we know do us harm? Pornography, lust, gossip, jealousy - the list is endless. Today Andrew looks at why Samson's story is there for our encouragement in the word. He slept with Delilah but she was only the bait. We see again why the only way for us today to break the cycles of defeat, shame, hidden sin is to have Jesus and his love & grace revealed every day. This talk will give you new understanding of why grace is the only hope for us if we want to live in freedom.


To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

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