Many Christians are not seeing fullness in their lives or are not that happy as they have managed to reduce their christian walk to nothing much more than what they see in the world. We are called to so much more. God’s intention for you is fullness and blessing in every area – And not just for you. But to flow from you to your friends, family, workplaces, homes, children and your whole world. You may well need to get a much bigger vision of what you are called to. In these talks we are looking at what we need to do to be people who live and walk in the actual inheritance that God has for us. If God is speaking into your life to today then it is for something that is much bigger and significant than just you. This series looks at the practical end of how you actually inherit the goodness that is promised to you by God. Enough of the same old, same old. It’s time to make your move.
Week 11 - Encounter, awaken, increase 26.02.12