Do you struggle to see Gods grace and love manifest in your life, your attitudes and your journey? Do you feel disheartened when you don't see the change you wish to see in your Christian walk? Our new series Inside Out - Grace the power to change, covers the incredible truths about Jesus and the finished work of the cross and how you can see more of His goodness, grace, mercy and radical transformation manifest itself in your life today! Its all about Gods incredible Grace and power in us, that sees this transformation from the inner depths of us work its way out!  Share this series with your world here.

27.04.14 - Part 1 - Effortless Change

The problem with self effort is that when you stop making an effort then change stops and you go back to square one. How then do you get things in your life to change? Grace is more than unmerited favour. It is the ability of God in you to help bring about more of the Kingdom of God in your life. Too many of us live in a cycle of effort that does not bring lasting change and we often think that it is our fault or that somehow we are not as good as others. Today Andrew sets up how we can see change that truly lasts, freedom that brings true peace, all through an living understanding of Grace.

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04.05.14 - Part 2 - Who do you think you are?

Religion tells you that you are a sinner. If that is what you believe in your heart then that is what you will see in your life. You can try to change but when you stop making the effort then change stops too. Does that sound familiar? To change we must believe that we are who God says we are. Our life will mirror that when that is on the inside of us. Listen today to how you can change and see more of God's life through you.

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11.05.14 - Part 3 - "Jesus +" How you stop grace from working

Jesus + is the way that we stop grace working in our lives. The main thrust of most teaching today is Jesus saves us and our job from then is to make sure that we live righteously & holy. That's why we do not change. Most of us do not believe that we do anything to get God to save us - that is by faith. But what about obtaining the goodness of what Jesus did? Well that depends on what we do.... That is a lie that will stop you from seeing grace change you. A great talk to challenge you to get back to the place where Jesus is first.

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18.05.14 - Part 4 - Grace stops you messing up

Why do we still mess up if Jesus has made us brand new people? If my nature is not as a sinner why do I keep on doing things that I do not want to do? Is there any way to stop messing up? How does grace help me whenever I keep doing the very things I do not want to do? Andrew looks at this question and shows how can actually get to the place where because we understand what is happening in those moments that we can see breakthrough and change.

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25.05.14 - Part 5 - Grace protects your heart

If it is true that we live from our hearts and what we truly believe is what we see lived out, then how do we protect our hearts? We are bombarded every day with messages that deny the goodness and the truth of grace - but grace is the only thing that protects our innermost being. This talk will show you the process of guarding your inner world so that you your outer world change.

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01.06.14 - Part 6 - Grace never condemns you

No relationship ever flourishes in an atmosphere of disapproval. In our moments of failure what normally follows is a feeling of condemnation. The bible tells us that condemnation is the underlying belief that because of what we do we deserve to be punished. Here is the truth - God will NEVER punish a believer. Ever. He punished Jesus for us. If you think that God is going to condemn you or withdraw blessing then you have not understood how grace meets you in your moment of failure. A revelation of how Jesus deals with us in our very moments of failure leads us away from a pattern of failure and into victory & freedom

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08.06.14 - Part 7 - How Grace impacted me

When we give testimony to what God has done in us there is a prophetic element that releases faith in people who hear - the sense is "God - do it again - if you did it for them then it can happen for me"Chris, Paul & David are 3 men who attend Exchange. This week they tell their own stories of how grace impacted them. We pray that faith would rise in you and that you would know that there is a greater encounter of God's love, grace and power for you.

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15.06.14 - Part 8 - Scandalous offensive grace

You will never see change if you think that you are going to be punished by God. Consequences for what we do is not the same as God punishing us. Do you know the difference? Andrew looks the story of the prodigal and we see that his turning point was not when he was at his lowest but when he caught sight of His fathers love for him - it was offensive to all who saw it but that is what changed him. Its the same for you - if you need to see change & breakthrough it will only turn when you see how much God loves you.

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22.06.14 - Part 9 - Grace to change the world

Here is a key for your life - whatever God has given you, give it away. Change and personal growth as a christian is found whenever we take what God has done in our life and we give it away. This talk about Jesus and the 5000 will encourage you that grace has the ability to multiply every area of your life far beyond what a legalistic, self reliant attitude will ever do. This is your game changer.

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