He will be called - Part 1 - The power of His name

We miss so much of the power of Christmas because it has become so familiar. There is so much grace in the story - 700 years before Jesus was born a prophet spoke into the people and the resonance is as powerful and relevant today in the 21st century as it was then. Be amazed again at the grace of God for you

He will be called - Part 2 - What does peace mean to you?

Christmas is about peace but God's peace is so much different to anything else that the world even knows of can offer. This week Andrew looks at a prophecy that Jesus would fulfill when he came as a baby - peace is not just about you inner world but also about the world that you live in - family, relationships, health and so much more. Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year

Partner in the mission of Grace

He will be called - Part 3 - Christmas

What do you think about when you hear the word "Christmas". It means different things to different people but in the final part of this series, Andrew reveals through the Old and New Testament how the birth of Jesus altered history and brought true peace, love and meaning to the world.

Partner in the mission of grace!