29.01.17 - GROW WEEK 2 - GRACE changes your name

15.01.17 - Grow Week 1 - Grace says “I WILL” 

How often do you ask yourself what the point is? Christians spend much energy thinking about what God wants for them. But they start with themselves. Victory and spiritual fulfilment is always found in Jesus and His work - We are part of God's plan & purpose and not the other way round. There are 4 promises that God makes to all people that reveal His heart for every man, woman & child. In those you find your purpose. Grace says "I will..." Find out what he wants for you...

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Fat, ugly, stupid, failure, weak...... so many people live under the power of labels that they have given themselves or have been put on by other people. The power of this is that we live from those and they shape our lives and our futures. Jesus loves people to encounter Him so that they are transformed forever - Andrew looks today at how one person encountered Jesus and grace changed their name, their future and the destiny of millions. He can do the same for you & yours today!

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05.02.17 - GROW WEEK 3 - Growing in love and grace 

God wants us to know and experience his love and grace.  God is love, so God wants us to know him.  The Apostle Paul wanted to know him more than anything.  To know someone we have to spend time with them.  To know God is to be intimate with him, intimacy brings conception and births fruit.  The right diet is important, the milk and meat of the word bring growth and countless blessing.  Jesus is the word, when we partake of the word we feed on him.  Jesus regularly withdrew to spend time with his Father.  Don’t respond to demand by working longer, harder, faster.  Take time out to be filled with his Spirit and word, and then return in the power of his love and favour.

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12.02.17 - GROW WEEK 4 - Discover

How often do you think about what your life is really all about? Purpose matters. Whenever people discover purpose they begin to thrive. It is clear that we only find our true purpose in grace. This is what Jesus means when he talks about redemption - discovering who we really are and then how we can live from that truth. The gift of righteousness (being acceptable to God) sets us up to see the purpose that Jesus has for us. Andrew encourages us to look at how we can be redeemed and also how we can help others to find their place as well.

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19.02.17 - GROW WEEK 5 - Thrive

"Come and see a man...." these words show us what it is like to encounter grace and walk away with hope. Andrew talks today about what it means to thrive. We should not be afraid to look at Jesus with all our stuff. He knows and he says we will always walk away with hope when we meet him. What are you ashamed of? What are you guilty about? What is there from your past which needs to be healed? Come and see a man..

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

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