5x more -Part 1 - How can you be sure?

Do you ever think that some of the promises that we hear that God has said to us are nothing more than fanciful thinking? How can you be sure? Most of us are warned that we can have grace.... but not too much grace, because then we cross a line into "bad theology" The problem is that many of us believe for way too little - not to much. If you want to have faith for more then it will only come by receiving daily grace through the word.

5X More - Part 2 - Marked by favour

People get tired whenever they are trying their best to please God and spin all the plates in life. Jesus’ finished work on the cross is the only way to receive what God has for us today but so many of us have a huge struggle with that. It is deeply ingrained in us that we need to do so that we can have. That is not the truth though. If you are dreaming a big dream the only way you will see it is through grace. Offensive for some, but the truth!

Partner in the mission of Grace

5X More - Part 3 - Ready to receive

The truth is that many of us find it hard to receive from God. We do not feel good enough so we are happy to settle for some blessing but not too much. And then what is worse is that religion tells us that if God is blessing you, not to fall into a trap of prosperity because that is bad. The pressure that can bring is that I am wholly responsible for my future . It's almost as if we say God will cover the basics and then the rest is up to me! Is this really the best we can hope for? Thankfully, there is more !

5X More - Part 4 - Faith in Grace releases blessing

How can we believe for more of God's blessing in our lives? Adam addresses how Abraham believed and it was his faith - a God given gift - that allowed him to walk into blessing. Listen to the word that God speaks over you - he has grace for you in your moments of unbelief, doubt and striving. You can believe for God to work in your life in abundance and beyond your expectations. Align yourself with His word and simply receive the gift of faith to believe.