20.03.16 - Worthy-The Power of Communion - Part 1

Healing, restoration, strength, restitution and so much more. Is that your experience of what happens in your life whenever you take communion? Religion has hijacked this amazing tool given to us for our benefit in 2 ways - firstly by reducing it to a simple tradition and secondly by shifting the focus of attention onto us. Are we worthy enough? Have examined ourselves correctly? Discover what this all means and the impact that taking communion is meant to have. You will find new levels of grace and love as you do.

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

27.03.16 - paid in full

The story of Easter is about a new beginning and a new start for every one. It is about God restoring to you all that He ever had in His heart and mind for you. When Jesus was on the cross he uttered 3 words that have huge implication for you today. "It is finished" Find out what that means and why it matters to you. Restored and forgiven!

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

03.04.16 - Perfect love


Dr Phil talks this week about the Perfect Love of God. Phil looks at the story of the Alabaster Jar found in Luke 7 :36-50. This talk will highlight just how much the Father loves you and that his love is indeed Perfect.
Dr Phil is an engaging speaker and you will be blessed and encouraged through this talk!

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

10.04.16 - Worthy - The Power of Communion - Part 2 - Healed

Why did Jesus specifically ask us to take break bread and take wine to remember Him? He could have asked us to do anything so why this? The breaking of bread is all about our healing. Jesus said that himself. Andrew explains how communion is a weapon for a believer no matter where they are. It is not just for church but you can receive all kinds of strength and healing as you break bread and remember the purpose that Jesus had in mind. This will revolutionise how you see communion and you will reap the benefits.

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

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