Grace is the only way to live free from the pain of offence and bitterness. In this series you will discover how to let Jesus free you from the bitter root of unforgiveness and how to stay free. Be blessed!

 This weeks talk is in 2 parts - watch part 2 after this one! Super abundant grace & supply in all areas is yours through Jesus. Can we wreck that in our lives? This new series looks at getting free from offence, unforgiveness & bitterness. Nobody wakes up one morning and decides to be bitter - it starts with being offended and there are multiple opportunities for that to happen every day. How do live free and keep our hearts in a place to receive blessing? It starts with this - I will not be offended! - This will help you in this area which affects us all.

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

Partner with us

This weeks talk is in 2 parts - watch part 2 after this one! Super abundant grace & supply in all areas is yours through Jesus. Can we wreck that in our lives? This new series looks at getting free from offence, unforgiveness & bitterness. Nobody wakes up one morning and decides to be bitter - it starts with being offended and there are multiple opportunities for that to happen every day. How do live free and keep our hearts in a place to receive blessing? It starts with this - I will not be offended! - This will help you in this area which affects us all.

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

Forgiving people is really hard. Sometimes feels impossible. If you choose unforgiveness though it robs us of life & blessing, it destroys relationships and derails calling & future. It matters! Can you ever be truly healed & free or is that a pipedream? The only way to be free is to receive grace. Andrew looks at a picture that Jesus used to describe how to root unforgiveness in your life - it is a high definition, 4k picture of what it is like and how to live free.

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

It is one thing to get rid of unforgiveness but is it possible to stop it happening in the first place? In the last of this series we look at why pain and division is rooted in the judgments we make about people. Jesus said do not judge - what did that even mean? See how living in grace sets you up right from the start to stop unforgiveness in your life the result is life and blessing flowing.

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

It is one thing to get rid of unforgiveness but is it possible to stop it happening in the first place? In the last of this series we look at why pain and division is rooted in the judgements we make about people. Jesus said do not judge - what did that even mean? See how living in grace sets you up right from the start to stop unforgiveness in your life the result is life and blessing flowing.

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE