The book of Romans is a masterpiece of grace. In this book the apostle Paul, articulate and intelligent, presents the case for the work of Jesus in a clear and forthright manner. The Book of Romans tells us about God, who He is and what He has done. It tells us of Jesus Christ, what His death accomplished. It tells us about ourselves, what we were like without Christ and who we are after trusting in Christ.

Getting a clear grip of this book will revolutionise your walk. It is about the essential message of Jesus and his work.

Week 1 - I am not ashamed  11.04.10

Week 2 - SOS  18.04.10

Week 3 - Rescued  25.04.10

Week 4 - Freedom (Sin)  9.05.10

Week 5 - Freedom (Law)  16.05.10

Week 6 - Freedom (Love)  23.05.10

Week 7 - Romans 8  30.05.10

Week 8 - What do you believe first?  6.06.10

Week 9 - Getting your head around it  13.06.10

Week 10 - Transformed world  20.06.10