Does God protect His people today like He did in the days of old? Do you feel nervous every time your kids leave the house or you husband or wife leaves in the car or on a trip? What does God have to say about that? Psalm 91 is a covenant prayer that is written to show us how God protects His people today. In it there are some brilliant encouragements that help us to get beyond fear and live in peace.

29.11.15 Part 1 - God Protects His own

Are you afraid that something bad may happen to you or your loved ones? Something random like an accident or being caught up in an atrocity that we see happening in our cities? What does God say about that - as a child of God when you are in the family of God do you just have to take your chance like the rest of the world or does the work of grace through Jesus provide protection against that bad stuff? Psalm 91 is a covenant prayer that is not in the bible to fill in space. It is full of promises for His children. Enough of fear and worry - allow the work of grace to fill you with peace & hope.

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

06.12.15 PART 2 - stay in grace for protection

Do you believe that as a child of God your only responsibility is to rest and receive from your heavenly father? 3 times through Psalm 91 God reminds us that when we stay in the secret place then there is protection that follows. When we "fall from grace" and get back to works then we must bear the weight of our our safety. God is always working for you - 24/7 - protecting, guiding, delivering. Listen to this talk and be encouraged that as you rest in His grace then He works on your behalf.

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

013.12.15 PART 3 - Real life protection through grace

Psalm 91 is a prophetic prayer that reveals Jesus to us today. God protects His own and this week Andrew looks at what that protection looks like. The imagery found in this Psalm reveals what real life safety for God's children looks like today. You do not have to give in to fear - when you do you rob yourself as it is impossible to be in faith and fear at the same time. This talk will build your faith to see that God is always looking over you and His angels are tasked to guard your every step. So do not be afraid!

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

20.12.15 - Pastor Marcel Gaasenbeek

Pastor Marcel is the Senior Pastor of Jong en Vrij Church - a megachurch with 8 locations across Holland and a reach across the nations. A personal friend of Pastor Joseph Prince his heart is to see the church and the world encounter the grace and unmerited favour of God. Today he brought a fantastic message about the woman at the well and how Christmas is a time of God's grace towards all men. Be blessed and encouraged!

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

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