21.08.16 - Part 1 - You are never an outsider with God

In every circumstance if we will only see Jesus then we will overcome. When we eat the word we see that Jesus is in it all - The bible says our whole lives are found hidden in Christ and so whatever the issue is for us the answer is Jesus. The book of Ruth is an amazing picture of God's grace to redeem the outsider - It is a story that shows that there would be many reasons why we would think that God would reject us but the whole story is instead how he redeems those He loves. This is a picture of Jesus for you today. Listen and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus fresh again to you.


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28.08.16 - Part 2 - Why we rest under the cloak of grace


Is your relationship with God like an employee & employer? To what degree to do truly believe that you earn the goodness and the favour of God? In Ruth Chpt 2 we see what looks like a divine paradox - was she rewarded for her good work? That is how most people interpret this story but in fact the truth is something much different. God wants you, as Ruth did, to find refuge in the shadow of His wings. What does that mean for you in real life? When you discover this truth you will see favour and blessing washing over you each day!


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Wherever you find yourself today God has not finished with you. He wants you to move from one level of glory to the next. More love, more peace, more healing, more fruitfulness in every way. How does that happen though? In Ruth we see that because she was loved she was blessed but she understood that the more she rested in love that the blessing grew and multiplied far beyond anything she could ever do herself. Today God wants you to learn that the more you rest, the more He works. Take heart and confidence today that you are loved like Ruth and you too can find yourself in a place where His fullness is your new normal.


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11.09.16 - Strike the ground

God has called us to live freely and passionately for Him. In this talk Phil considers the prophet Elisha and his encounter with King Josh and reminds us that God has given us everything we need to live a life of victory and peace -all He asks from us is to "Strike the ground". Listen to this and be encouraged that God has a plan for your life that is beyond anything you can imagine.


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