
Exchange Church is all about Jesus and His incredible work. We are here because we have encountered Him in our own lives as a good, loving, gracious God who has gone to incredible lengths to love us and change us.

Whatever you may think today or whatever your experience may be, we want you to come to an experience of the goodness and love of God in your own life. Life can be full of struggles and challenges in every area - relationships, health, finance, family, work, family and the list goes on. God says that whenever you walk in relationship with Jesus you can experience "life in all of its fullness" (John 10 v 10)

We are here to give you some answers. You see an awesome Exchange has taken place that will change your life forever. God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross so that you may never need to live in fear of being judged and punished for what you have done wrong. Jesus took your mess so that you can be free.

He literally gave his life for yours so that you can

Exchange your past hurts, frustrations and disappointments for the knowledge and experience of a loving Father who will never fail you
Exchange your life of fear for a life of peace & rest
Exchange depression and discouragement for hope and joy
Exchange your struggle for identity and self worth for your true identity in Christ and real purpose
Exchange your sickness for health
Exchange your never having enough for an assurance that a loving Father provides what you need
Exchange your unease and restlessness for peace

We want to introduce you to Jesus Christ. He is the one true God who has done all that is required to deal with the real issues of life. The issues that we face on the inside and the world around us. Your life will forever be changed when you give yourself to God. Peace, love, joy, fullness. Life the way it was meant to be.  Join us at Exchange and find out more.