
He Proved His Love


He proved his love - part 1

“What do people really need?Jesus promises that He will change you from the inside out. He will go right to the heart of the issue and transform us for good. That is what the cross is all about. When you see the cross it is more than a symbol - it is a reminder of the promise that Jesus has given you the chance of a quality of life that nothing else could never come close to.


He proved his love - part 2 - Getting rid of guilt

Guilt is a negative emotion that has serious impact on our physical and emotional condition. There’s no natural solution for what is a supernatural need. The world has no answer but in the work of Jesus we see how He dealt with guilt for us. You can live free - really free - from that gnawing sense of guilt that traps many. Listen & be encouraged!

Partner in the mission of Grace

he proved his love - part 3 - No more shame. You are good enough


Shame. We all know that feeling of not being good enough. Not being as good as someone else. Of being a failure. Shame is not about what we do but who we think we are. Left unchecked it wrecks our health, relationships and future. The great news of Jesus and the Easter story is that He went to the very core of what is wrong with us. He suffered the ultimate shame do that we might be forever free from it.

Partner in the mission of grace!

He proved his love - part 4 - Don’t think anyone can curse you

When Jesus free’d you the bible says you are free indeed. Too many Christians still think that they can be affected by other people’s sin. Even generational curses are talked about as almost normal for believers. The truth is nobody & nothing can curse what a God calls blessed. Receive new levels of freedom when you hear this message of grace.