God is moving around the world and in Europe - right now there is an awakening to the gospel of grace that has never been seen before. This is not just another "wave", not a bit of theology or a subject to be studied, but an encounter with Jesus - He is grace and there is no other gospel other than grace. Discover what that means for you and see how seeing Jesus in His grace will truly transform your walk with Him.

Can the message of Grace really impact our responses to life's challenges? Helen Mills shares how growing in Grace has enabled her to not just survive but thrive in life!

When you are under law & condemnation, your mess makes you & others unclean. With Jesus though whatever He touches makes the unclean, clean. That is grace. Undeserved and unmerited favour in your life. Andrew looks behind the details of the story of the woman with the issue of blood and shows us how grace lifts our heads up to receive. This is good news for you and for those you know. This is the true gospel - grace in all its beauty.

Do you believe that if you are a Christian that you are still a sinner? There is a #grace revolution happening around the world now where people are seeing that the work of Jesus was far more profound than what they ever heard - real transformation & change from our deepest place. Many of us have not even understood what sin is never mind what happens whenever it is confronted with grace. Real freedom!

Everybody knows what it is like to face things that we cannot control. What do we do when that happens? If you need a miracle or know someone that does then this talk is for you. In this weeks sermon, Andrew shows us that the only way to receive a miracle is through grace. The further you feel you are from being qualified then the closer you are to receiving the miracle!
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