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This new summer series is about how grace shook the world in the book of Acts and how you have been given the very same Spirit for today. You’ll experience more grace in you as you see Jesus impact through you. Andrew explains how the words of Jesus “This is the year of the Lord’s favour..” will so encourage you.


Grace for the world - Part 1 - You have been anointed for a purpose

This new summer series is about how grace shook the world in the book of Acts and how you have been given the very same Spirit for today. You’ll experience more grace in you as you see Jesus impact through you. Andrew explains how the words of Jesus “This is the year of the Lord’s favour..” will so encourage you.


Grace for the world - part 2 - You have been anointed for a purpose

You have been anointed for a purpose. This new summer series is about how grace shook the world in the book of Acts and how you have been given the very same Spirit for today. You’ll experience more grace in you as you see Jesus impact through you. David encourages us to tune in to God and how He delights about using ordinary people like us to be vessels for him through His Spirit.

Partner in the mission of Grace

Grace for the world - Part 3 - Living in freedom

Too often we feel imprisoned by circumstances, fear, illness and false belief. The first apostles were literally imprisoned for the message they were preaching. An angel set them free. The lessons from their story shows us how God's grace is able to set us free from the things that imprison or thinking and lead us into new life.

Partner in the mission of grace!

Grace for the world - Part 4 - Grace to see

There is no one that is beyond the love of Jesus. There is no situation that he cannot turn around. Today Andrew looks at a story that is in the bible to remind us that there are many Christians and believers who sing, read, go to all the conferences, know all the latest stuff but fundamentally need an encounter with Jesus - without that revelation of who Jesus is & the the nature of his finished work of grace, then not much of it makes any sense. Grace though lights up the whole story and your whole life

Grace for the world -Part 5 - Grace above Race

Exalting Jesus and magnifying Christ is the work of the Holy Spirit. The One who draws close reminds us that 'It Is Finished', and gives us power to display Jesus to our world. Adam explores Acts 10, where Peter's trusting in that power made it possible for all to encounter Jesus - not just the Jews, but for the Gentiles (you and I). Be encouraged - Jesus, the Lord of all, has deposited his Spirit in you to preach the good news - with power!

Grace for the world - Part 6 - Grace upon Grace

Do you feel as if you're living in crisis, a Christian Jekyll & Hyde life? Some days good, some days bad?

This week Andrew teaches us from the life of Saul, how an encounter with Jesus' Love and Grace, empowered and equipped him to change and live a life of Grace upon Grace so that we can learn to reign in life!

Grace for the world - Part 7 - What have you got to lose?

This week Penny looks at the Life of Paul the apostle and how he despite tremendous opposition and persecution fixes his eyes on one thing: making Jesus known. We see how he stands up to intimidation and refuses to allow the devils schemes to distract him from God’s calling. Penny encourages us to trust in the Lords call on our lives and to allow him to free us from all fears. He is the one who fights our battles.

Grace for the world - Part 8 - I choose Praise

Paul and Silas were victims of injustice and mis-treatment but they chose to pray and praise God in the most difficult times with remarkable consequences. In this week's talk, we are reminded that there is something powerful for us and those around us when we choose to worship God in challenging times. God is always on your side!