05.06.16 - Abide - Part 1

Sometimes Jesus said things that are so simple that we miss them. Often these things are some of the most profound. In John 15 He said that He is the Vine and we are branches. Throughout that book He tells us to Abide time & time again. Why? Learn the unforced rhythms of grace and discover how life is to be lived lightly & freely in God. Amazing truth to help you enjoy God's blessing & favour.


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12.06.16 - ABIDE - PART 2


In John 15 Jesus explains how we can experience fruit in our lives that comes through simply being connected. Do you try to produce fruit? Do you live with the weight of responsibility for you & your family's provision on your shoulders as an example? Fruit comes through resting in our connection with Jesus.
What about the bit where it says that God cuts bits of us away that are not fruitful? Do you think that means that God cuts out of you the parts of your life where you struggle? Where you still sin? Andrew unpacks some beautiful truth about grace that will leave you encouraged and give you a whole new perspective on how God deals with our mess.

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19.06.16 - ABIDE - PART 3

This is a big question - if God wants me to be fruitful and to see all of His blessings then why do most of us feel like we are waiting for that to one degree or another? Is it sin? Is it me? If it is God then why and how does that line up with grace? Andrew looks at the story of Lazarus in John 11 and shows how when we see the purpose of grace in waiting then we will move from disappointment to new levels of experiencing the goodness of God. If you are waiting then this is for you.

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26.06.16 - ABIDE - PART 4

How do you wait well? God wants you to be fruitful. If you do not have that consistent view of God you will be insecure in your relationship with Him. He wants you to live securely in His love each day. In John 2 God shows us that He is not limited in any way by the natural world. He can bring the best of fruit into your life in an instant and restore to you years that have been stolen. This will build your faith and show you how to wait well for God - He is always faithful and His results go beyond anything that you could ever do yourself.

To listen to the audio mp3 Podcast CLICK HERE

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