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Where do you find answers to the biggest questions and challenges that you face every day? Where do you go to? Whatever it is you will find the answer in Jesus.God has already made provision for you to experience rest and completeness in the church. That is His plan. There is a grace on the local church that is not found elsewhere. Discover a fresh new view of the gathering of God’s people - A house of Grace!


a house of grace - part 1

Where do you find answers to the biggest questions and challenges that you face every day? Where do you go to? Whatever it is you will find the answer in Jesus.God has already made provision for you to experience rest and completeness in the church. That is His plan. There is a grace on the local church that is not found elsewhere. Discover a fresh new view of the gathering of God’s people - A house of Grace!


A house of grace - part 2

Why would you ever want to build your life outside of a place where Jesus is the head? Headship means authority and that means that in the church everything is under the authority of the King of Kings! God knew every single challenge we would face in these times and He provided the answer. There is a grace that God has built into the church that you cannot find anywhere else - Andrew shows from the OT and the NT how you can find safety, protection & blessing in the church!

Partner in the mission of Grace

A house of grace - part 3


“Desmond Tutu said “There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river.We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.”

Jesus has given you the church as a place where you can get right to the heart of the issues that we face today. Not just about being rescued from where you are but getting to the root of all sickness, stress, lack and every other manifestation of the curse. Jesus has provided you the answer - the gathering of His people under the gospel of grace will bring answers and freedom that you will never find elsewhere

Partner in the mission of grace!

a house of grace - part 4

The church is a house of grace. In it you find blessing, favour and promises that you do not find outside. The church is also a place of physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Andrew shows how what we do today mirrors the early church and the people of Israel. We see Jesus and we are healed. Let the Lord enlarge your heart to see His church and your part in it the way that He does.